Pioneer Chemical

Gokul Arcade Premises, Mumbai, Maharashtra - India

About Us

Welcome to

Pioneer Chemical Industries Private Limited

Pioneer Chemical Industries Group was established in 1979 for trading in chemicals and Pioneer Chemical Industries Private Limited was formed in 1989.

Our Chairman and Managing Director Mr. Prakash Shah is a Chartered Accountant by qualification, who after practicing for a few years embarked on a journey of Entrepreneurship. Mr. Shah is a passionate Entrepreneur with excellent Public Relations and Image.

Over the last four and half decades Pioneer Chemical Industries Private Limited has made a strong base in trading, importing, and sourcing various chemicals from both indigenous and international manufacturers.

Pioneer Chemical Industries Private Limited has created a robust value chain from sourcing to delivery of 50+ chemicals seamlessly with continuous efforts to add alternate manufacturers to meet customer’s needs.

With a 350+ strong customer base across 14+ industries, 20+ geographies catered to, and 16+ chemical categories in its basket, Pioneer Chemical Industries Private Limited can be considered your reliable source for Procurement of Chemicals.

Today, Pioneer Chemical Industries Private Limited can be your Partner in growth, for their service, reliability, network, consistency, reach, and distinctive touch for your chemical requirements.

Pioneer Chemical Industries Private Limited believes in and invests in its people, who are considered to be important asset for achieving the goals set. With this vision, the company is continuously investing in strategy and research.

Pioneer Chemical Industries Private Limited has warehousing facilities in Mumbai and Hyderabad which helps in serving stock and sale needs of customers in the West, Central, and South of India.

Our Vision

Pioneer Chemical Industries Private Limited envisions to be an
Adaptive, Growth focussed;
yet Sustainable and a Mindful organisation

A comprehensive solution catering to the chemical requirements